
[聯合聚會] 念慈&安惠媽媽小組聯合玩手作 Bits and Pieces All Put Together with Cement 2015.35

/by Chris Lin【約翰牧區/ Chris Lin報導、姜冠群姊妹翻譯】

Last Friday morning was a wonderful time. We all got to be children again. There were many mom's there and a few children. It was DIY day, we got to make our own unique mosaic tile coasters.

Anny our wonderful teacher is not only a wonderful cell group leader, but also extremely talented in crafts. She has taught crafts to our Mustard Seed students on Saturday afternoons.

We had this special crafts class on the 6th floor in the conference room. In the back of the room, there were two long tables. There were countless plastic bowls with different color 1cm x 1cm colored tiles. There were black, blue, pink, yellow and other colors, but interestingly no white tiles.

We had to turn on our creative juices to assemble some interesting with 36 tiles on the wooden coaster base.

I have never done this type of craft before, so I just did a simple letter "C." Some people in the group were really creative. There were able to do a two color variation and have a nice noir look. The children had so much fun just choosing colors and gluing them on the wooden base.

There are a few simple steps to creating your own mosaic tile coaster.
以下是馬賽克拼貼 杯墊的製作步驟:

Step 1: Choose 36 tiles.

Step 2: Place these 36 tiles in your desired pattern. Then glue them in place.

Step 3: Blow dry the tiles.

Step 4: Mix 1 part water and 5 parts cement.

Step 5: Pour and spread out the cement with your finger over the tiles of your coaster. Make sure there is cement in all the creases.

Step 6: Use a wet sponge to wipe off the excess cement.

Step 7: Let your masterpiece dry overnight. Use a wet rag to wipe your tiles again to make sure there is no more cement.

I enjoyed this class very much, hope we get to make something again in the near future.


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