【英語部/陳惠芳報導】Baby showers are parties thrown for expecting mothers in the weeks preceding the delivery. Although baby showers have been given in different cultures, our modern concept of a baby shower is largely influenced by mid-20th century western traditions. Prior to birth, friends of the expecting mother will “shower” her with gifts, blessings and support during this party. Baby shower是孩子出生前為媽媽舉辦的一個寶寶派對,是西方國家的傳統風俗之一。在寶寶臨產前,媽媽的好友們會精心策劃一個很有創意的寶寶派對,讓準媽媽在面對寶寶的來臨前,得到大家的祝福和支持,也一起慶祝新寶寶即將的誕生。