繼前年的小琉球之旅、去年的綠島探險之後,今年英文牧區小組的一群弟兄姊妹再度利用春假一同出遊,這次的目的地則是與世隔絕的離島--蘭嶼 After the trip to Xiaoliuqiu in 2016 and Green Island in 2017, this year during spring break, a group of people from the English Zone decided to travel to a remote and isolated island-Orchid Island-to enjoy the holidays. 因為訂不到足夠的機車,只好改訂一輛箱型車的我們,因禍得福的得以一同上山下海遊玩。蘭嶼波光粼粼的海面及碧海藍天的絕色美景,都讓身為都市人的我們心曠神怡,流連忘返。爬到蘭嶼最高的氣象站俯視整片大海,心中浮現的只有詩篇121篇對神的讚嘆,是的,我們的幫助從造天地的耶和華而來!祂是配得我們一切的頌讚! Since there weren’t enough scooters on the island during the long holidays, we decided to book a van and two scooters for transportation. Although it seemed a little bit inconvenient at the beginning, it turned out to be a blessing for us because we were able to play and travel together, enjoying God’s wonderful creation. The glittering navy and turquoise colors of the ocean, panoramic scenery of mountains and sky, and fluorescent colors of tropical fish and lively corals brought serenity and peace to our hearts. We were awed by...