
[英語牧區] 英文崇拜三週年 感恩紀念 喜樂相聚午後野餐時光 分享神的愛 2018.14

Happy Anniversary!!! Our English service is 3 years old. We had decided to celebrate it by going to Chimei museum to have a picnic. We had scheduled the picnic for 14:30. We really thanked God for such an amazing weather. At first we were only a handful but as time went by more and more people started to join us. Later Dylan opened the picnic by welcoming everyone and prayed to thank God for His faithfulness and support for the past 3 years. Everyone was so happy and excited. There were some new comers as well and we all welcomed them with warm hearts and love. We all brought some snacks and drinks, that we shared with each other. Elaine had some yummy healthy fruit sticks; Chelcy had roasted chicken and Ryan some yummy maple cookies. There were a lot of choices to choose from. The main reason why we came together for the picnic was to know each other more and to share God’s love with each other. It was a perfect day and we all had a ball. It was a great way to celebrate the 3rd anniversary. A BIG thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us.

 生日快樂!!!我們的英語崇拜可以三年歲了!我們決定在奇美博物館野餐來慶祝。那一天的安排野餐是當天的下午兩點半開始。我們非常感謝上帝預備了美好的天氣。開始時人數並不多,但不久之後大家陸陸續續來到,Dylan 弟兄歡迎來參加的每一位弟兄姊妹,並且禱告感謝上帝三年來的信實與扶持,大家非常開心興奮。當天有一些新朋友來參加,我們在溫暖和愛中歡迎他們。 

 大家都買了點心和飲料來分享。Elaine買了好吃的營養水果串; Chelcy 帶來烤雞,Ryan 帶來楓糖餅乾,還有許多的美味可以選擇。 

 我們齊聚野餐的主要目的是更多的認識彼此並且分享上帝的愛 那一天大家非常開心,是個完美的一天。能這樣慶祝英語主日三周年是很棒的事。非常感謝當天參與的每一位弟兄姊妹。

▌English Zone 英文牧區
Article 報導: Frank Van Schalkwyk
Translation 翻譯/ Susie Lin 林淑熹



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