
[主日拾穗] 主日英文堂講壇拾穗 2016.19

【報導與翻譯/David Clark, Melody Pan, Yu-ping Wu】Eighty-two-year-old Hawaiian Pastor Antone Chuck once again came to us to share God’s words. He pointed out that although we celebrated Easter about a month ago, we still need to be continually reminded of God’s work of redemption through Jesus Christ. Pastor Antone shared the sermon titled “It Is Finished” to explain that Jesus’ work is completed and He is the Savior of the entire human race.

 來自夏威夷82歲的安東牧師再次來到我們當中分享神的話,提到復活節剛過去,我們要好好思想上帝透過耶穌基督所做成的救贖工作。安東牧師以「It is finished」為主題,道出耶穌的工作已經成了,全人類的救贖主是耶穌。

Everything that Jesus did on the cross, the pain and the agony that he went through, was for every single one of us. When we read “it is finished”, we don't really sometimes understand exactly what that meant, but what it meant is that like a tax bill paid in full, our sins were paid in full when Jesus went to the cross and said “it is finished.” Jesus has power to overcome the world, and even when people are living in sin, Jesus has the power to rescue people. When you accept Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will dwell in your heart.


Pastor Antone talked about his personal testimony. He accepted the Lord at the age of 37 and God helped him remove many of the stains in his life. His life began to transform. He experienced the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. Up until now God is still doing work in his life. Perhaps there are some people that think being a Christian is boring, but he believes that when Jesus truly lives in a person’s heart, this person will change and will become enthusiastic about the Lord as well as excited about being a Christian. He challenged everyone to let Jesus work in their hearts and tell Lord Jesus every morning after waking up, “Lord, use me today to bring glory to You!” Jesus will return, but are we ready for it? Are you living eagerly for the Lord or is your heart distant from God? Let’s come before Him because He will help us live out a life of victory!

 安東牧師提到個人的見證,他37歲信主,上帝幫助他除去生命中許多汙穢,生命開始轉變,他經歷到聖靈的大能,直到如今,上帝仍然在他生命中動工。也許有人認為當基督徒很無聊,但是,他認為當耶穌真實地住在人的心裡面,人會改變,會熱切為主、會因為成為基督徒而感到興奮! 他挑戰大家讓耶穌在心裡動工,每天早上醒來跟主耶穌說: 「主啊!用我的今天來榮耀你!」耶穌將再來,我們是否預備好自己?你現在的光景是熱切為主而活?還是跟內心跟神遠離?讓我們每個人回到祂的面前,祂將幫助我們活出得勝的生命!


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