
[國際事工] Volunteer Training Workshop 服事訓練工作坊 2016.19

【International Ministry / Yu-Ting Lin】“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm 100:4

【國際事工部/林鈺婷 翻譯】「當稱謝進入他的門;當讚美進入他的院。當感謝他,稱頌他的名!」詩篇一百篇四節

Being joyful when serving the Lord is the key reminder given by Brother Dylan Olding as the international ministry held its first volunteering training workshop on May 1, 2016. 

國際事工部於五月一號中午舉行服事訓練工作坊,領會的Dylan Olding弟兄以詩篇一百篇鼓勵與會的弟兄姊妹,要以喜樂的心來事奉神。

During the workshop, participants discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the English Service, and brainstormed other opportunities for the ministry to grow. Topics covered from updating English ministry website, service structure and schedule, roles of small group leaders and service leaders, refocusing on the vision, to finding the gift that God has given to each Christian and serving the Lord with a joyful heart. 


“The strength of our ministry is that everyone can serve the Lord,” said Olding. “And we hope this will be the place for international Christians to worship; a community to belong to, to love and be loved.” 



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