
[英文牧區] Focused on Mongolia-Heaven in the Desert 蒙古之夜-沙漠裡的天堂 2017.39

In God’s realm, everything is scheduled according to His pace. When confronted with obstacles too hard for us to cope with, what is the best solution? Countless testimonies tell us that the best way is to lay down all our worries and burdens in front of God and wait for Him to arrange the best for us.

On the eve of Sep 10 we witnessed what God has achieved on the land of Mongolia where there are scarce resources and government support for Christians. To the Chinese people, Mongolia brings back the nostalgia for a horse-riding people who built the biggest ever empire spanning over Asia, Europe and Africa in the world history. The descendants of Genghis Khan are tough in that they are virtually nomads that have to make yurts their homes on the immense grassland and move along with the changing seasons. They live on livestock, mainly sheep, goats, horses and camels. The dominating religion in Mongolia is Tibetan Buddhism.

In 1928 the Mongolian People's Republic was set up. For nearly seven decades, the country has undergone fierce political upheavals between the previous Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. When the Soviet Union broke down in 1990, the country was finally able to construct its own multi-party system and a market economy. However, despite being a democratic modern nation, the spread of Christianity is still not encouraged in the country.

That is the very point where powerful faith and prayers are needed. Rome was not built in a day; likewise, it may take years to see Mongols converted into Christians. In 2000, following God's guidance, Pastor Frank Wu singlehandedly flew to Mongolia to start his missionary career. With relentless efforts, Pastor Wu conquered all possible obstacles with patience, love, prayers and faith. In 16 years' time, God has rewarded him with one surprise after another. The first surprise came from his first converted local, a Mongolian girl who later became his wife. She still looks as charming and elegant as she was 16 years ago. Now God has further given Pastor Wu a small church and a steadily growing congregation, and in addition, the most valuable treasure from Heaven – a happy lovely family  

Tainan Holiness Church's missionary team paid Pastor Wu an official visit from August 21 to 28, 2017. There the interactions between Pastor Wu and his congregation testified to us once again the truth contained in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” What we saw in Pastor's Wu's church is unwavering faith in God's direction. We should not build our faith on what is visible, like ordinary people do, but rather, we should build it on what is felt inside our heart. Only God can speak to us in His own voice. All we have to do is calm down, stay quiet, and listen to the Holy Spirit. We believed that was what happened to Pastor Wu when he first made his pivotal decision in his life 16 years ago.

Although Christianity still faces certain obstacles to become widely accepted in Mongolia, Pastor Wu believes that God will find a way for people there to know more about the gospels. Actually, he has seen many communities having their own small churches and believers. God has a purpose, that is, to have more people know about Him in Mongolia. Step by step and inch by inch, more believers on this vast land will erect churches to worship and praise Him. It is just a matter of time.  




 羅馬書8:28:「我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處,」因為愛神,神會為我們安排所有一切,叫我們放下所有屬人的聰明與心思謀略,但凡將所有的憂慮與牽掛交託給 耶穌基督,放下我們的勞苦與憂擔,凡事信靠主與仰望主,這是身為主內弟兄姊妹的我們該有的信念。從遠在蒙古佈道的吳牧師身上,我們看到了神的愛是無遠弗屆,無國界、無貧富之分的,當堅定的信仰與禱告蒙 神垂聽時,荒蕪的沙漠也能成為主內弟兄姊妹的天堂。

▌英文牧區 English Zone
侯碧芬 Hou Pi-fen 



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