
[英文牧區] 中秋佳節相聚團圓  2020.42

馬太福音 18:20 說:「因為無論在那裡,有兩三個人奉我的名聚會,那裡就有我在他們中間。」 在十月二號的下午我們再次經歷到這句經文。二十幾位英文牧區的精兵,帶著福音前往很多弟兄姊妹從沒去過的台南市安南區土城,探訪徐紹雅姊妹以及徐鈺菁姊妹的父母。徐爸爸及徐媽媽熱心招待弟兄姊妹們在家中舉辦牧區中秋烤肉。團契中有台灣人說著流利的英文,有美國人說著流利的中文,有雙國籍的人說著流利的雙語,還有南非人努力冒出這幾年住台灣所學的幾句中文。看到各邦各族聚集的畫面真令人感動,再次證明神的國度不分國籍、不分語言,在耶穌基督裡成為一家人。在場未信主的家人們都有感受到這股精神、這個氛圍、這份溫度、感謝主!有機會一起烤肉、一起吃喝玩樂當然很棒,但是最珍貴也是最感動的時刻,是大家一起開口為徐家還不認識耶穌的成員們禱告外,也一起為沒有教會、沒有福音的土城禱告。也請弟兄姊妹們繼續為土城這一區來代禱,求神為這塊土地開發新的教會,為土城建立基督的身體。他所賜的,有使徒,有先知,有傳福音的,有牧師和教師,為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督的身體,(以弗所書 4:11-12)


Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them." This verse, once again, stood true on the afternoon of October 2nd. More than twenty English Zone brothers and sisters, some for the first time, headed to Tucheng in Annan District to share the gospel with Sister Shaoya Hsu and Sister Alice Hsu’s parents. Hsu Baba and Hsu Mama kindly hosted English Zone’s Moon Festival Barbecue. Throughout the fellowship time, one could hear Taiwanese speaking fluent English, Americans speaking fluent Chinese, and dual-citizens being fluently bilingual. Even Dylan and Elaine were making a great effort to greet Hsu Baba in Chinese--all proving, once again, that the kingdom of God is not distinguished by nationality or language, but truly one family in Christ Jesus. This spirit, this atmosphere, this warmth was prominent, leaving a deep impression on the hearts of non-believers that day. Now, the opportunity to enjoy a barbecue together was wonderful, but the most precious and touching moment was when everyone prayed out loud together for the members of the Hsu family who did not know Jesus yet. Everyone also prayed out loud for Tucheng, where there is no church nor gospel. So, dear brothers and sisters are invited to continue praying, asking God to develop a new church for this land and build the body of Christ for Tucheng. "Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ." Ephesians 4:11-12

▌English Zone
Julia Huang



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