
[牧者心語] The Sufficiency of God's Word 2017.16

◎Rev. Rick Beard (翻譯/張頌恩傳道)

Psalm 19 – The Sufficiency of God’s Word

詩篇19篇 上帝話語的充足

We have many voices coming at us every day. They all tell us something about life and our lives. Some are more subtle than others but all want our attention. So whose voice do we listen to most each day?


In moving to the second part of this psalm we learn that just as the sun dominates the daytime sky, so too, God’s Word is to dominate our lives. Jesus, the perfect man, showed us the supreme importance of God’s Word in Matthew 4:1-10. 


The Bible clearly states there are only two kinds of advice in the world: that which aligns with God’s Word and that which does not – Psalm 1:1-3. If God’ Word does not direct every area of our lives, we will have difficulty distinguishing between the two. 

聖經很清楚地陳述了在這世界上只有兩種道路 – 隨從神的道路與不隨從神的道路 – 詩篇一篇1-3節。如果在我們日常生活中上帝的話語沒有站在支配的地位,那我們就很難分別這兩種道路之間的差別。

Nowhere in the Bible does Scripture make as bold and comprehensive claims about itself as it does in Psalm 19:7-9. This passage reveals to us the sufficiency of God’s Word to do all He intends in His people’s lives. I will focus this article on the first aspect. 


“The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul” – Psalm 19:7


The word “perfect” speaks of the Bible as whole, complete, sufficient, not lacking anywhere.  It is comprehensive in that it covers all aspects of every issue we truly need to know. That being said, there’s an implied contrast here with the imperfect, insufficient, flawed reasoning of people.  


It is perfect because there is nothing in life we need to know to understand God, our lives, and the world around us, that is not addressed at least in seed form in God’s Word. Absolutely nothing. I do not need the Bible plus some other kind of wisdom to live a life that pleases God. That is what makes this statement so profound. 

If what is happening in my life matters to God, He has graciously addressed it in His Word. He has not left out anything I will need to navigate successfully through this life with Him. 


Yet even more than that, Scripture is so powerful and comprehensive that it can transform the entire person, changing someone into the person God wants him or her to be. The Bible is the living word of the living God. “For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” – Hebrews 4:12.

然而,不僅於此,聖經的經文是廣泛的又有能力使整個人改變,使他/她成為上帝命定成為的那樣。聖經是永生神活生生的話語:神的道是活潑的,是有功效的,比一切兩刃的劍更快,甚至魂與靈,骨節與骨髓,都能刺入、剖開,連心中的思念和主意都能辨明 – 希伯來書四章12節。

Since it is perfect, God’s Word restores, revives, and renews His people. It is sufficient to restore even the most broken life—e.g. King David’s life. He understood the authority and power of God’s Word well even though there were times in his life when he sought to live above it. See also James 1:25 – the perfect Word reveals and transforms imperfections; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:3-4. 


So where are you struggling today? What answers do you need? What direction are you seeking? Where have you failed the Lord? What in your life is broken? What sins dominate you more than God’s Word does? Where do you sense your own inadequacies and weaknesses? What inner pain just will not go away? Where do you feel like giving up? How do you love that unlovable person? Or that harsh employer? When you need answers to what matters most, do you turn to God’s Word? Do you seek Him who is the author and completer of your faith; the One who said His Word is perfect? 


We cannot live, as God intends, apart from His Word. God has promised in His Word to perfect, comfort, satisfy, direct, change, and guide His people. “Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands. May those who fear you rejoice when they see me, for I have put my hope in your word” – Psalm 119:73-74.  

如果缺少了神的話語,我們就無法活出祂心意中我們應該要成為的樣式。神應許了祂的話語使祂的子民完全,得安慰、得滿足、得改變;又得引導。祢的手製造我、建立我;求祢賜我悟性,可以學習祢的命令!敬畏祢的人見我就要歡喜,因我仰望祢的話 – 詩篇119:73-74



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