
[英語牧區] 英語牧區正式成立 吳玉萍牧師 Rick Beard牧師 主責牧養 2017.13

【英語牧區/吳玉萍牧師報導】教會國際事工部將於三月底正式成立英語牧區,由吳玉萍牧師、Rick Beard牧師(OMS遠東國際宣教會差派的宣教士伉儷)負責牧養。Dylan Olding弟兄擔任區長,目前已建立三個生命小組 (Life Group),由三位國際同工擔任小組長,分別有Adam Book, David Mandini, Ryan Hauser來帶領小組。區牧助理有潘鳳珠姊妹、張頌恩傳道及林淑熹姊妹。自從2015年三月教會正式舉行英語崇拜,每週日上午9:30在六樓約書亞廳聚會。目前主日崇拜約有70人左右,11:00-12:30有小組聚會。國際事工部的同工們與高牧師分享英語聚會的牧養與造就需要,在聖靈的引領中,深深感到成立英語牧區時機已經成熟。於是,同工們再次開會討論,眾同工異象感動合一,建立牧區的架構成型。成立牧區的目的是為了更深入的牧養、關懷、造就,讓英語的族群也能連結教會牧養系統,在神的家中一起成長。 

English Pastoral Zone is officially launched this March.  Pastor Yu-ping Wu, Pastor Rick Beard and his wife Barb, missionaries sent by One Mission Society, will be in charge of shepherding the flock.  Brother Dylan Olding serves as the Zone Elder and so far he has established three Life Groups.  Three international co-workers who will take on the role of Life Group leaders are Adam Book, David Mandini, and Ryan Hauser.  The assistants of the zone are Melody Pan, Allen S. Chang, and Susie Lin.  TNHC started its English Sunday Service in March 2015.  The service is held at 9:30AM every Sunday in Joshua Hall on the 6th floor of the church.  Current number of people that participates in the English Service is about 70.  The service is followed by small group meetings from 11:00 to 12:30.  The co-workers of the International Ministry and Pastor Stephen Kao discussed the necessity of shepherding and discipleship; with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they deeply sensed the time for forming an English zone has come.  Therefore, the co-workers had another meeting where they shared the same vision of forming a zone structure.  The purpose of forming a pastoral zone is to obtain a more in-depth shepherding, caring, and building up.  It also allows the English group to be connected to the church’s shepherding system and to grow together in God’s family.

English Zone 英語牧區
Pastor: Yu-ping Wu, Rick Beard 
Assistant: Melody Pan, Allen S. Chang, Susie Lin 
Elder: Dylan Olding 
Life Group Leader: Adam Book, David Mandini, Ryan Hauser 
Sunday Service: 9:30 at 6F Joshua Hall 
Life Groups: Sun 11:00~12:30 (R602)



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