
[好閒漫漫弄] Christmas Concert at Haoxian 聖誕音樂會在好閒 2018.50

On Sunday, December 9th we held a Christmas concert and fair at Haoxian Man Man Nong. Located next to a bustling traditional market and with numerous temples in the surrounding area, God’s praise sounded forth. This outreach event was a complete success. Various international groups represented our church during the performances and it was really amazing to see both the Mandarin side and
English zone unite together to bring the concert to fruition. There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit was at work in the hearts of all the brothers and sisters who performed and who were working at the fair. We really believe that God annointed the lips of all who lent their voices and the hands of those who played intruments that day. The songs were very touching and they ministered to all who attended. It was our prayer that the love of Jesus would be conveyed to the people at the event and we believe we accomplished that. Motorists stopped in the middle of the street to watch and passersby joined us to see what this event was all about. One could see that all the brothers and sisters endeavored to keep the unity of the Spirit as there was an overall sense of peace that was prevalent throughout the whole event. This outreach was very powerful. Praise be to God. Let His kingdom reign.

We would like to acknowledge and thank all those who were involved in making this event possible. Thank you Pastor Kao, the pastoral, and church staff. We also thank everyone who helped set up the Christmas tree, nativity scene, and decorations. We thank everyone who contributed their time and goods for the fair. We thank the owner of Man Man Nong restaurant for allowing us to use this venue. The owner, who isn’t Christian, also believes our God is so big and can do miracles. Jesus says in Matthew 5:13-14 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how can it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”


 感謝南聖高牧師,牧者們和教會工作人員和所有參與建造聖誕樹,耶穌誕生的馬槽和活動會場佈置,還有為市集貢獻時間和商品的佳美老師們協助完成這次活動。我們也感謝漫漫弄餐廳的老闆允許我們使用這個場地,即便他還不是基督徒,但他也相信我們的神是行神蹟的神。耶穌說:「你們是地上的鹽。鹽如果失去了味道,還能用什麼來把它醃成鹹的呢?它再也沒有用處,只好被丟在外面,任人踐踏。你們是世界的光。建在山上的城是不能隱藏的。」 (馬太福音五13-14)

▌David Mandrioli
中文翻譯:Lina Mandrioli



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