
[英文牧區] 韓國之夜 2017.35

Gaining God’s Heart for the World; South Korea Revealed was Sunday evening, August 13th. Over 40 people gathered at Rick and Barb’s apartment as the English Zone spent time learning about and praying for South Korea. Pei-Chien Tsai, Ryan Hauser, Iman Liu, and Joe Wang shared facts and photos from the times they spent living there. Joe led us in a special time of worship and prayer for the South Korean church, for the many missionaries they send out, for the young generation, the culture, and government.  Pei Chen and several of her friends cooked a variety of great Korean food for us. Our hope is that God will use these country-focused evenings to enlarge our heart for the world, as well as give us greater understanding for each other in our international church.  

 願神的心意在這世上得著滿足;南韓之夜(8/13)的晚上。英語牧區有超過四十弟兄姐妹來到白牧師與師母的家,學習有關南韓的事情以及為他們禱告。Pei-Chien Tsai (蔡佩倩), Ryan Hauser, Iman Liu及Joe Wang四位弟兄姊妹分享了他們之前在南韓居住所得知的南韓現況及照片。

▌English zone/Barb Beard



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