
[英語牧區] English Zone Kenting Trip 英文牧區墾丁快樂遊 2017.21

【English Zone / Joyce Liu】On April 29th we set off for the first joint English congregation day trip to Kenting. Some of us have paid regular trips to Kenting before, who bought along useful and fun gears like snorkel and tent for shade. The two-hours road trip to Kenting was full of great sight-seeing of open sea view, lovely chatting and games while some catch up on sleeps. We made short stops along the way for toilet and a bit of snack to pamper our taste bud. Arriving at Kenting before the noon, the first wise thing we did was set up the tent for shade, a MUST under the scorching sun. Looking around our neighbor we had the fortunate opportunity to meet a missionary from the State who has served in Taiwan for over a decade. While Pastor Yu-Ping and Rick happily chat away with the missionary, others were excited to go enjoy the sea. A group of equipped snorkelers headed off to find their perfect spot in the sea , some bought along their pet dog for a bit of fun, while some enjoyed bathing in the sea as the wave gently rocked them up and down. 

【英文牧區/ 劉致君】4月29日我們準備好出發去墾丁,也就是英文牧區第一次舉辦的出遊 。有些人已是墾丁的常客了,所以在這次的出遊中帶來許多好玩又很有用的器具如潛水用具,遮陽用帳篷等。在兩個小時的車程中,我們享受著寬闊的海洋景色,與彼此交流聊天,也玩了一些遊戲,有些人則是趁機補眠。路途上有停下來幾次讓我們上上廁所,買些零食滿足一下嘴饞。我們中午之前就到達了墾丁,而我們做的第一件明智之舉就是把遮陽帳篷搭起來,在艷陽高照的大熱天,這絕對是必要的。觀察一下我們周圍的鄰居,我們很幸運的認識到已在臺灣服事超過十年之久的美國傳教士。正當玉萍牧師及白牧師開心的與這位傳教士聊天的時候,其他人已經迫不及待的想去享受眼前的這片海。這時裝備完畢的潛水愛好者們已經出發尋找他們的黃金潛水海域,有些人則是帶了他們的愛犬一起玩樂,或是浸泡在海水裡享受被浪如搖籃般的推上推下。

At lunch, some of us decided to try out the local cuisine while some stayed indulged in the sea. Running along our schedule, we packed-up all our belongings and headed back to our bus to the next destination. We came to this hill where we could see the entire landscape of Kenting and sea view, there, we took our group photo of the day and split into small groups where we prayed for each other and our church. 

中午時間,有些人決定去享受一下當地的美食,而有些人則繼續泡在海水裡。接下來為了趕行程,我們把東西收一收,回到遊覽車,前往下一個地點。我們來到了一座小山,這裡可以看到墾丁的整個風景及海域。我們就在這裡拍下當天的團體照 ,然後分成幾個小組 ,為個人及教會的需要一起來禱告。

This day trip was a success not only did we enjoyed the beauty of the God-made nature, we were able to share and talk with people who we accidently skip on the busy Sunday. It was great to see a mixed of different age group enjoying each other’s company and the trip finished nicely with a bit of South African history and life experience shared by Dylan and Lauren at the back of the bus. 




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