
[天路歷程] 英文小組蘭嶼遊記 Wonderful Trip to Orchid Island 2018.15


After the trip to Xiaoliuqiu in 2016 and Green Island in 2017, this year during spring break, a group of people from the English Zone decided to travel to a remote and isolated island-Orchid Island-to enjoy the holidays.    


Since there weren’t enough scooters on the island during the long holidays, we decided to book a van and two scooters for transportation. Although it seemed a little bit inconvenient at the beginning, it turned out to be a blessing for us because we were able to play and travel together, enjoying God’s wonderful creation. The glittering navy and turquoise colors of the ocean, panoramic scenery of mountains and sky, and fluorescent colors of tropical fish and lively corals brought serenity and peace to our hearts. We were awed by God’s marvelous creation and Psalm 121 vividly depicts our praise to the Lord. Yes, our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth! He is worthy of all our praises!
這趟蘭嶼旅程,除了洗滌塵囂之外,我們更深刻的體驗到神的恩典與帶領,以及弟兄姊妹之間的愛。許多人遺失的物品(例如狗鍊、帽子、潛水面鏡)失而復得,神保守我們在蜿蜒崎嶇的道路上平安行進,Adam, Frank和Christine在陌生海域中奮力解救被廢棄漁網纏住的魚,同心協力清除纏繞在珊瑚礁上的廢棄漁網。尤有甚者,我們原定於週六下午三點半搭船返回台灣,因為擔心風浪漸強而決定提早改搭早上十點的船。原本擔心候補不上的我們,最後得以在最後一刻順利登船。回程的海面波濤洶湧,有幾度浪大到幾乎要翻船的感覺,但感謝神祂讓我們平安順利的返回台灣。而原本下午三點半的船班,卻在蘭嶼開元港出港時與另外一艘船擦撞,造成船上一名老婦頭部撕裂傷,船上有一整片玻璃碎裂,船班延遲兩個小時才出港。回家看到這則新聞的我們,一方面慶幸躲過一劫,一方面也感謝神真實的保守帶領我們出入平安。

Besides casting burdens and receiving serenity, we were truly touched by God’s grace and the love of our fellowship during this trip. Many items, such as dog leash, hat, sunglasses, and goggles, were lost but eventually found. God’s protected us travelling on the narrow and bumpy roads of Orchid Island. Adam, Frank and Christine tried to rescue a fish trapped by an abandoned fishing net, and worked together to detach the fishing net from corals. Moreover, we were supposed to take the 15:30 ferry back to Taiwan on Saturday, but decided to leave early in the morning because the weather started to get worse.  Everything worked out well and we were all on board eventually. Despite the wavy boat ride back to Taiwan, praise the Lord we all landed safely. However, the ferry that we were supposed to take collided with another ferry at the harbor and caused damages. One old lady was struck by the shredded glass window and sent to a nearby hospital, and the whole ferry was delayed for two hours. When we got back home and read the news, we were all thankful for God’s everlasting protection and unfailing love. 


This trip preludes with Psalm 121:1 and ends with 121:8, and it is written in remembrance of God’s everlasting protection, Amen. 

▌英文牧區 English Zone
林鈺婷 YuTing Lin


Psalm 121
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.



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