
[國際事工] 英語堂新任牧師 即日起加入教會團隊 2017.03


Pastor Rick and Barb Beard followed the Lord's calling and left their home and church in Missouri.  They sold their house in the US, said goodbye to their dear family and friends, came all the way to Taiwan to share the gospel.  As they take a leap of faith, God is also guiding them step by step, providing everything they need, and bringing them to Tainan Holiness Church.  They will join the International Ministry and begin the journey of God-given mission in mid-January this year.


[詩歌故事] 傳遞愛與寬恕之《加百列的雙簧管》Gabriel's Oboe  2020.21

[天路歷程] 毘努伊勒的神蹟 2018.37

[天路歷程] 何謂試探神? 2018.11

[聚焦聖經] 從但以理書看「苦行與禁食」2021.22

[教會消息] 全國菁英牧者——為連結開跑 2017.37