
[天路歷程] 柯主恩牧師安息主懷,來自柯師母的一封信 2021.15

As you have heard, my husband John has gone to be with his Heavenly Father.  Knowing the struggle that he has endured over the years we are thankful that he went peacefully.  Our daughters were able to make it a couple of days before he left us and we were able to surround him till the end.  He fought the good fight till the very end.  All of these years he stayed firm in his faith and kept believing for a healing miracle. For reasons that God only knows, He chose to resurrect John to his new body in heaven on Resurrection Easter Sunday, ushering him in to heaven saying, “Well done thou good and faithful servant!”


 As you know he had a big heart for Taiwan and China and continued to pray for them till the end hoping that he would one day get the chance to go back. Although he can not make it in the physical sense, know that his ministry is not finished and now continues through all of you. Thank you for all of your prayers, support, and generosity over the years, we very much appreciate you all.  And we continue to appreciate your prayers through the grieving process.  We will be having the memorial service in Seattle and are working on the details.  We will let you know when they are finalized.


                        Blessings in Christ, 在基督裡祝福大家

                        Hyoncha Clark 柯師母賢子牧師



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