
[天路歷程] 英文牧區介紹 2021.6

英文牧區牧者Pastors : 

Pastor Yu-ping Wu, Pastor Alex Kuo, Pastor Melody Pan, Pastor Victoria Chou

小組長&同工Group Leaders:

David, Dylan , Julia , Susie, Nathan, Yefta

David & Dylan小組


The English Zone is an international community of believers. Attendees of the Sunday morning English service come from all over the world. A large number of us are full-time students and some of us work full-time jobs. Many of the foreigners in the English Zone only stay in Taiwan temporarily. Despite our different nationalities, we have all found a home at Tainan Holiness Church because we are one body in Christ and we have one common language in which we can worship together: English. 


2020年的五月我們從 LINE 群組傳訊息、傳經文開始,慢慢讓神點燃我們之間屬靈家屬的情感;到六月每週日傍晚線上分享;一直到七月第一次實體聚會。我們現在以雙語的模式在每個月的第三及第四週六早上十一點半聚會。當中有國外出生台灣長大的、有台灣出生國外長大的、有國外念書回來的、有國外工作回來的、也有台灣土生土長的但是就是愛英文。無論是一起多認識聖經還是分享生活點滴,能在雙語的氛圍之下交流把中西文化合併真的是領受到雙倍的收穫及祝福。

Our group began as a LINE group in May of 2020 messaging and getting acquainted, allowing God to bond us as true family in Christ. In June, we began group calls every Sunday evening and finally meeting in person come July.  We now meet regularly at 11:30am on the third and fourth Saturday of each month in a bilingual setting.  Some of us were born abroad and grew up in Taiwan, some were born in Taiwan and grew up abroad, some came back from studying or working abroad, and some were born and raised right here in Taiwan but just love English. Whether we are learning more about the Bible together or swapping life stories/testimonies, being able to communicate in a bilingual manner, merging Chinese and Western cultures, we really enjoy double the blessings. 



International Students Life Group was launched at the beginning of 2019. High school and college students from other countries meet at one o’clock every Sunday. There are students from Indonesia, Philippines, Tanzania, Burundi, Swaziland, Uganda, and etc. This is their spiritual fellowship in Taiwan. Together they serve the Lord and share the gospel.



[詩歌故事] 傳遞愛與寬恕之《加百列的雙簧管》Gabriel's Oboe  2020.21

[天路歷程] 毘努伊勒的神蹟 2018.37

[天路歷程] 何謂試探神? 2018.11

[聚焦聖經] 從但以理書看「苦行與禁食」2021.22

[教會消息] 全國菁英牧者——為連結開跑 2017.37