
[國際事工] 祝福新生兒與媽咪 溫馨的BABY SHOWER 2017.11

【英語部/陳惠芳報導】Baby showers are parties thrown for expecting mothers in the weeks preceding the delivery. Although baby showers have been given in different cultures, our modern concept of a baby shower is largely influenced by mid-20th century western traditions. Prior to birth, friends of the expecting mother will “shower” her with gifts, blessings and support during this party.

 Baby shower是孩子出生前為媽媽舉辦的一個寶寶派對,是西方國家的傳統風俗之一。在寶寶臨產前,媽媽的好友們會精心策劃一個很有創意的寶寶派對,讓準媽媽在面對寶寶的來臨前,得到大家的祝福和支持,也一起慶祝新寶寶即將的誕生。

Several sisters in the International Ministry prepared a surprise baby shower for Iman. During lunch, attendees brought gifts to Elaine’s apartment. Along with gifts, a cute cake made from diapers and supporting a lovely doll was on the table. Baby clothes were also hung for decorations, further promoting a warm and fragrant atmosphere. Elaine helped kick off the party with a string game. Participants were given string and tasked with the challenge of estimating Iman’s abdominal girth. Partygoers were all held in suspense, as the answer was not to be revealed until after lunch. 

 這次英語團契的幾位姐妹們為Iman準備了一個baby shower,在午餐時間,大家帶著給準媽媽Iman的禮物聚集到了Elaine家參加寶寶派對,在派對中的桌上放了大家給Iman的禮物外,還放了一個用寶寶尿布製作而成的可愛蛋糕,牆壁上掛著寶寶的衣服和裝飾品,充滿了溫馨的氣氛。在派對的一開始,Elaine拿出繩子,請大家估計Iman的腰圍有多長,在午餐後答案會揭曉。

A few sisters prepared food for lunch, which included sandwiches, pasta and salad, all of which were neatly arranged upon the dining table. Following warm lunchtime conversations, Elaine presented a collective gift of diapers to Iman along with offering blessings and well wishes from our group. This way, when Iman takes care of her baby, she will know that her sisters in Christ are praying for her and her baby. Fellow mothers then reflected on their experiences of child rearing and provided thoughts and recommendations on baby products as Iman opened other gifts.


The baby shower was filled with blessings and support for the mom-to-be. It was a nice gathering to celebrate, with sisters in Christ, the special time of a new baby's arrival. 



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