
[教會消息] 白加恩牧師 (Rick Beard) 安息禮拜 2019.32

八月4日下午,舉行白加恩牧師 (Rick Beard) 安息禮拜,將近一千人到場弔唁,除了台南聖教會牧者團隊、英語牧區,OMS 同工團隊,還有許多弟兄姊妹、白牧師夫婦的好友們,一同參與其中。會眾紀念白牧師的生命故事,故人略歷和紀念影片,讓弟兄姊妹紅了眼眶,也再次因著白牧師的生命被激勵。在一般人可以退休的年紀,白牧師選擇了一條辛苦的道路,離開他的本地本族,走向宣教的道路,變賣了美國的一切家產,與師母來到台灣,適應台灣的天氣、語言、文化……雖然有種種不適,卻從未放棄這條道路的呼召。





Memorial Service for Reverend Rick Beard

 On the afternoon of August 4th, a memorial service was held for Pastor Rick Beard. Nearly a thousand people attended. The OMS team, English Zone, friends of the Beards and many other brothers and sisters joined the pastoral team of Tainan Holiness Church in attending this service. The congregation commemorated the life story of Pastor Rick. The eulogy and dedicatory film brought brothers and sisters to tears, and they were once again inspired by the life of Pastor Rick. At an age when most people retire, Pastor Rick and Barb chose to take a more challenging road by selling all their property in America, leaving their family and embarking on a mission to Taiwan, adapting to the local weather, language, and culture. Although there was much to adjust to, they never gave up on the calling of this road.

 Pastor Rick was a pastor who truly thirsted for the Word of God. He spent time in God's Word every day, being close to God. May the messages he has shared be full of depth and faith in God. Many brothers and sisters were guided and comforted by his shepherding. The hymn "It Is Well with My Soul" is a hymn Pastor Rick loved very much. There is a profound story behind the origin of this hymn. The pastoral team sang the hymn, "Dedication to All," reflecting the life of a servant of God, portraying everything, including the willingness to deny oneself. OMS co-workers offered the song "In Christ Alone," covering the truth and hope of the Christian faith. Sunday's memorial service deeply touched the hearts of brothers and sisters. The story of "a kernel of wheat falling to the ground and dying" will continue to bear seeds. In Christ, "death" is not the end, but it is filled with the hope of resurrection.

 ※Barb returned to the United States on August 6. Her fellow brothers and sisters in Christ contributed NT$979,532 to them over two weeks’ time along with US$600. May the Lord continue to guide the future footsteps of dearest Barb.



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