
[牧者心語] Things of Comfort and Joy 好佳音賜平安喜樂 2017.51

One of my favorite things during the Christmas season is hearing Christmas carols everywhere we go. “Joy to the World”, and “Peace on earth good will to men;” these words are heard?from loudspeakers in parks, shopping malls, markets, restaurants, and even in school programs. Joyful music is everywhere!


Most years I look forward to Christmas. We had special holiday traditions to make sure our children knew that Christmas was about Jesus. We always had a special candlelight dinner on Christmas Eve, to remind us that Jesus came into a dark world to give us the light that leads to life. We enjoyed turning out all the lights in the house except for those on the Christmas tree. I have sweet memories of my three children when they were young, in their warm fleece pajamas, all of us snuggled in the living room by the fireplace reading Christmas stories. As a family we enjoyed Christmas season! As one song says, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the year!”


However, the Christmas after my first husband died felt like the worst time ever! Seeing other happy families made us more aware of how empty our lives were now that their dad was gone. The pain I saw in my children’s eyes was almost unbearable to me, because there was nothing I could do to make their pain go away. There was a deep ache in our hearts that made it difficult to want to celebrate anything. We tried to keep our family traditions; but the joy and peace of the season had been replaced by confusion and pain. I actually wanted this “most wonderful time of the year” to be over. All we wanted for Christmas was for our family to be like it used to be. Knowing it would never be the same was hard to accept.


In the car one evening I had the radio on, but wasn’t paying attention until I heard these words from a famous Christmas carol—“Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy. Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.” (from God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”).  That was what I needed! I realized that the lack of comfort and joy I was experiencing wasn’t merely because my husband was gone; it was also because in my pain I had begun to doubt that God loved me. Hundreds of people were praying for my husband to be healed, and I prayed more intensely than I ever had. I believed God could heal him from cancer, and I trusted God to do that.Comfort and joy—that’s what I really wanted for Christmas. Could God really heal my broken heart? Would I ever feel joyful again?

 有一天晚上開車時我打開收音機,本來沒有認真聽,直到我聽到一首著名的聖誕歌曲:「好佳音賜平安喜樂,平安喜樂。好佳音賜平安喜樂。」(出自《願主賜與你們平安》一曲) 這正是我所需要的!我發覺自己經歷的遺落了平安喜樂並非只因我先生的死,而是在痛苦中我開始質疑神的愛。上百人為了我先生的癌症能康復代禱,而我更是有生以來最懇切的禱告著。我相信神一定能完全治癒我先生,我全心全意的信靠神。結果卻並非如此。平安喜樂—這就是我真正想要的聖誕願望。神真能療癒我破碎的心嗎?此生我還能再次感到喜樂嗎?

The next day in my quiet time, I read Isaiah 51:1-3. “The Lord will comfort Israel again and have compassion on her ruins. Her desert will blossom like Eden, her barren wilderness like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found there. Songs of thanksgiving will fill the air.” As I read those words, God spoke to me.  He told me that He had deep compassion for me and my children. Even though my new life felt as uncomfortable and unbearable as a dry and empty desert, He said that He would cause my life to blossom like the Garden of Eden.  The Garden of Eden was the place where God walked and talked with His children. Adam and Eve saw God daily, and experienced life with Him at their side. God said that my wilderness of grief would be the place where I would experience His personal comfort and find true joy.


His Word is true! I can look back on my wilderness of grief as the place where I experienced God’s nearness in a new way. He can comfort us in a way that no one else can, and because of Him we can experience joy even in pain. That Christmas I discovered that God sent Jesus on a mission, not just to save us from our sin, but to heal our broken hearts. Jesus came to a broken world, to bring “tidings of comfort and joy.”


If your life looks like an empty desert or confusing wilderness, I pray that this Christmas, you will look to Jesus for comfort and joy. May you put your faith in the truth that Jesus has come to personally rescue you. Jesus came “to heal the brokenhearted and comfort all who grieve—to give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor” (Isaiah 61:1-3)This Christmas may Jesus become your comfort and joy.


文:Barb Beard 白佳宜
翻譯:Kari Chang 張世君



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