
[國際事工] 國際事工部核心同工與高牧師伉儷茶會 Tea Time with the Pastor 2017.06

[International Ministry / Article: Yu-ping Wu / Translation: Melody Pan ]
【國際事工部 / 報導 吳玉萍/ 翻譯 潘鳳珠】

In the afternoon of January 15, in room 602 filled with warmth, the core staff and co-workers of the International Ministry enjoyed having afternoon tea and sharing life stories together with Pastor Stephen Kao and his wife Ruth.


In a very relaxing, laidback atmosphere, Pastor Kao invited everyone to introduce themselves and share their life stories as well as their journey of serving the Lord.  A year ago, Dylan and Elaine Olding from South Africa, who have been in Taiwan for nine years, were praying and seeking to see if they should stay in Taiwan.  Miraculously, God gave them a precious gift, their daughter who is now one year old.  They came to Tainan in the hope of finding an English-speaking church, and TNHC has provided them with a warm and spiritual home.  More and more international friends come to TNHC.  Some of them find out about the English service in TNHC through the internet.  Gradually, more people join the English service and small groups.

這是第一次牧者與同工們有這樣輕鬆聊天的時光,高牧師邀請每一位同工自我介紹、分享生命的故事、服事神的歷程等等。當中有來自南非的Dylan Olding 夫婦,他們來台灣九年了,一年多前正在禱告尋求是否繼續留在台灣,很奇妙的是,神給了他們一個寶貴的禮物,就是現在一歲多的女兒。他們來台南很希望能找到說英語的教會,南聖提供了他們一個溫暖的屬靈的家。也因此,越來越多國際友人來到南聖,甚至是在網路上搜尋到南聖有英語崇拜,漸漸地,許多人加入了這個英語崇拜和小組生活。

This is a story of grace.  God has gradually expanded the English ministry since few years ago, starting in the church’s first service with English-Chinese interpretation.  For the needs of our international friends, the church began the weekly English worship and following that was the forming of the International Ministry.  Sunday worships, staff development, service trainings, English small groups, outreach events have come into operation.  God personally leads the church, draw people to return to Him and to be shaped and equipped so their lives can grow to maturity and shine for the Lord.

這是一個恩典的故事: 幾年前,從一開始只有第一堂有英譯中的主日崇拜,漸漸的,神擴張了教會的英語事工。因著一些國際友人的需要,教會開始成立每周都有英文崇拜;接著國際事工部就成形,開始運作主日崇拜、培植同工、服事訓練、成立英文小組、外展活動等等。這些都是神親自帶領教會,吸引人來歸向祂、被塑造裝備,生命能夠長大成熟,為主發光。

The International Ministry team includes Pastor Yu-ping, Susie, Melody, Dylan who’s responsible for small group pastoring, Elaine, Adam, Yuting, David, Michelle, and Frank.  The foreign co-workers come from South Africa and the United States.  Many of them have strong backgrounds of faith and were moved by God to come to Taiwan.  In spite of different occupations, they are enthusiastic about God’s kingdom!  Everyone deeply commits to the building of the church in hard work and unity.  Despite different nationalities, we see how everyone becomes a family because of God’s love, building the body of Christ to glorify and proclaim God’s name.  The missionaries from the US, Pastor Rick Beard and his wife Barb, joined the team in January and were able to participate in this afternoon tea time.  This afternoon tea time was filled with laughter, tears, and touching moments.  It is very pleasant to have such kind of open-hearted communication.  As the Holy Spirit moved in this place, everyone felt much joy and satisfaction in their hearts.

國際事工團隊包括玉萍牧師、Susie、Melody、還有負責小組牧養的Dylan、David、Elaine、配搭服事的Adam、鈺婷、David、冠群、Frank。外籍同工分別有來自南非和美國。他們多半有著很虔誠的信仰背景,也被神感動來到台灣,雖從事不同工作,然而,卻都有著對神國度的熱誠!大家的委身非常深入、認真、同心建造教會,雖然不同國籍,卻看見因著神的愛成為一家人,建立基督身體,為了要榮耀和宣揚神的名!來自美國的宣教士夫婦Rick Beard在一月份加入團隊,也在這次茶會中彼此交流,有更多的認識。整個下午茶時光,有笑聲、也有淚水、有感動的時刻,能夠這樣心靈的敞開與交流,是非常令人喜悅的。當聖靈運行在這裡的時候,每個人的心都是那麼喜樂和滿足!


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