
[國際事工] 2016 Christmas Lunch Party 英語小組聖誕感恩餐會 2017.02

【International Ministry / Yuting Lin】On November 27, the International Ministry hosted a first-time ever Thanksgiving luncheon, and it was very successful. The International Ministry decided to host another first-time ever Christmas Lunch Party on December 25 to invite more international friends to celebrate Christmas.

【國際事工部 / 林鈺婷 翻譯】上個月台南聖教會國際事工部第一次在十一月二十七日舉辦了感恩節聚餐,受到熱烈迴響,本月聖誕節適逢週日,國際事工部再度舉辦首次的聖誕午宴,邀請更多國際友人一起歡度聖誕佳節。

Thanks to many English small group members, Iman Liu and Elaine Olding to name a few, the venue was decorated with delicate decorations on the tables and funny props in the corner for photo shoot. Everyone was surrounded by delicious cuisine, snacks, and most important of all, the heartwarming atmosphere of Christian fellowship.  

首先得感謝許多英文小組的成員,像是Iman Liu 和Elaine Olding,他們熱心的擺上,將會場佈置得溫馨感人;不僅有精緻的桌飾及牆飾,更在牆角佈置了一個拍照間,放置許多幽默小道具供人拍照。精緻可口的菜色及令人垂涎欲滴的點心充斥著會場的每個角落,更重要的是,每位參與的弟兄姊妹都感受到那股濃郁溫馨的團契之愛。

The party began with a sequence of Christmas songs for each table of guests to guess, and then moved on to the climax of the Christmas party- the gift-exchange stealing game. By the end of the game, each person had “chosen” or “repossessed” a gift that suits his or her needs. After the game, everyone got to enjoy the delicious Christmas lunch and shared laughter, love and prayers with each other.



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