
[天路歷程] A Wonderful Visit 美好的探訪 2016.20

[International Ministry / Noreen Nicholas]【國際事工部/潘鳳珠 翻譯】

At the end of February we (Collan and Noreen, Elaine’s parents) were so excited to be coming to Taiwan to see our family, especially Bethany. Now it's time to go home so our excitement is replaced with sadness. It has been a blessing spending 2 months in Tainan, we have seen and done so much! 

 在二月底時,我們(Collan and Noreen,Elaine的父母)懷著興奮的心情來到台灣探望我們的家人,特別是興奮可以看到我們的外孫女Bethany。兩個月後,回南非的時間到了,我們的興奮之情,取而代之的是離別的難過。在台南的這兩個月很蒙福,我們不但大開眼界,也完成了很多事情。

Bethany has made wonderful progress while we have been here. It was a privilege to attend her dedication and to fellowship with you all at TNHC. We celebrated the 1 year anniversary of the English service and enjoyed a lovely picnic together. Thank you for your love and hospitality and making us feel so welcome. Thank you for inviting us into your homes, showing us around Tainan and for the many gifts. We have many memories to take home with us. God willing we will be back in the future, in the mean time may your church grow and prosper



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[教會消息] 全國菁英牧者——為連結開跑 2017.37