
[牧者心語] 跟從主的代價 Walk in Faith 2019.17


Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.


In order to be the Lord’s disciple, there is price to be paid to follow Him. Jesus told us that there are two things that we must do to follow Him.

首先是捨己。捨己,意味著要向老我死,向神活;要放棄自己的想要,抓住神的想要。當「你的想要」 跟「神的想要」衝突時,你要選擇哪一個?我們每一個人都可以好好思考一下,在生活裡面,有沒有什麼事情,我們是隨心所欲而行,但卻是違背神心意的呢?當你問自己這個問題,也願意對自己誠實,其實是需要很大的智慧、勇氣、和成熟。

First, deny yourself. To deny yourself means to die to yourself and to live for God. To deny yourself means to give up what you want and grasp what God wants. When “what you want” clashes with “what God wants”, which will you choose? We all can think about this question and how it can be applied in our life. Is there anything you do that’s out of your free will but against God’s will? When you can ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself, it takes a great deal of wisdom, courage, and maturity.


Jesus clearly states that the first thing you need to do to follow Him is to deny yourself. To deny yourself means that in every problem, decision, choice, approach, you give up what you want and grasp what God wants. Proverbs 3:5-6 say, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your path.


To follow Jesus, the second thing you need to do is to take up your cross daily and follow Him. Cross is glory to Christians. Cross also means shame, pain, and sacrifice. No one likes to bear cross. But this is what life is like. There are responsibilities, burdens, challenges. If we suffer for no reason, then we are suffering in vain. If we are suffering and sacrificing for Christ, then it’s worthy in God’s definition of value.


I am a first-generation Christian, which means that I am the first one and so far, the only one to become a Christian in my family. I have heard of how people are persecuted severely because their faith in Jesus. I am very fortunate comparing to those people. But there was still some spiritual warfare that I had to go through since I am from a family with a background of Taiwanese folk religion. My parents would worry that I become crazy and insane by spending too much time reading the Bible or coming to church. I would be mocked when I say grace before the meal. My parents would feel disgraced when I refused to hold incense to worship idols. When I refused to eat food that’s offered to idols, my mother would interpret it as me rejecting her love. When I quit my job and entered seminary school to serve in the church full time, my parents were so upset. It’s not easy to go through all these, but to follow Jesus means to take up your cross daily and follow Him. Christ suffered for us and gave up His life for us. So, there’s no need to fuss about it when we suffer for Christ’s sake. Moreover, when you stick it out for Jesus, not only you but people around you will gain benefits.


Jesus asks the disciples to take up their cross daily to follow Him. Faith does not stop at the moment when you are baptized. It’s an everyday decision to follow Him. Jesus especially pointed out that we need to carry our own cross. What is your cross? 


A lady complains that her cross is too heavy to bear. She just can’t take it anymore. She complains why God gives her such a heavy cross to bear. She looks at other people. Their crosses seem to be lighter than hers. It would be so nice if she can exchange her cross with other people.

有一天,她做了一個夢,夢中她到了一個地方,在那裡橫著許多十字架 ── 各種設計不同、大小不同的十字架。有一個小十字架形狀最耀眼, 上面鑲嵌著寶石和黃金。這個人一看見就說:「啊!這一個背著一定舒適!」。結果她竟然背不動這個十字架。寶石黃金固然美麗,可是它們太重了!

One day in her dream, she goes to this special place with many crosses. Different sizes and different designs. There’s a small cross fashioned of pearls and diamonds and gold. It’s beautiful and shiny. She likes that cross and tries to carry it. But the cross is too heavy because of all the stones and gold. It’s beautiful, but she can’t bear it because of its heavy weight.

後來,她又看見一個可愛的十字架,雕刻的木架上,盤著美麗的紅玫瑰。她想,這超美的,一定可以背很久。她就將它舉起來,不料玫瑰下面,有許多尖銳的刺, 刺痛了她的皮肉。

Then, she sees a lovely cross of red roses. It’s dainty and fragile. She thinks, “it’s so light and elegant. It’s perfect for me.” She tries to bear the cross, but the thorns of the roses start to pierce her skin. She can’t bear this cross.

她一步一步向前走去,一個一個試著,發現每一個十字架,都不容易背。最後,她看見一個樸素的十字架,上面沒有寶石、也沒有雕刻。她拿起它來,覺得這是許多十字架中最容易背的一個。仔細一看,這原來是她自己的舊十字架。這個舊十字架, 竟是所有十字架中間,最好背最輕的一個!

She continues to walk. She tries every cross she sees. And she finds out that no cross is easy to carry. Finally, she sees one plain, old cross. No expensive stones nor flowers on it. She tries to carry it. It’s the easiest one to carry among all the crosses! She looks at it carefully and finds that it is HER old cross, the easiest one to carry among all!


Only God is wise enough to choose the cross we can bear. So never complain about your cross, and no need to envy other people’s cross, for your cross is especially designed and chosen for you, God made it just for you to carry. Remember, God knows best!


May God help us to have the courage to choose Him and deny ourselves and take up our cross to follow Him every day.

▌潘鳳珠傳道 Melody Pan



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