
[天路歷程] Journey of Faith 信心之旅 2016.16

◎International Ministry / Elaine Olding  翻譯/ 陳欣汝

Today is a special day as we dedicate Bethany. She's our little miracle, a gift from God. Dylan and I have been married for 13 years! For many years I didn't think I would be a mother. I wanted to be, I believed God had created me to be a mother but my circumstances were telling me it wasn't possible. 2 bible verses have always been special to me and God has used them to build my faith.


Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. 
In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths


Psalm 37:4 
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.


It's been a journey of faith with God and little did I know that we would come all the way to Taiwan for it to happen. Here we found out that we couldn't have children, but we were able to get treatment, something that would not have been possible for us in South Africa.God had a plan; he was working even though I couldn't see it. He knew what needed to happen in our lives before this baby arrived. 
There were many days where I cried out to God, sometimes I doubted his word, other times his word strengthened my faith and helped me keep believing.


Her 2nd name is Hope, because when I look at her she reminds me that things can change. What seems impossible can become possible when we surrender to God and his plan for us.


It's amazing how even this belief has been tested!  Our first 3 months with her were very difficult, she screamed for hours!! Our neighbors even said, "Wow your baby cries a lot!" Another neighbor rang our door bell and asked if everything was ok! There were days where we thought we couldn't carry on, but her name again was a reminder that with God things can change. We held onto Gods word, continued to thank him for his gift to us even though it wasn't easy!  It was like we had to first believe this before we could share this with other people. Things are much better now and we thank God for that! He has been with us in the past and so we know we can trust him to be with us in the future.



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