
[國際事工] Rick and Barb Beard 牧師夫婦代禱信 2016.37

Rick preached his last sermon there August 14th, and we were showered with love and support. We are thankful for the man that God has brought to be their pastor. Mike Baker and his wife Karen and their 5 children have recently returned from the mission field in West Africa.
白牧師於八月十四在他美國所服事的教會最後一次講道。我們很感謝上帝也為這所教會繼續預備了Mike Baker牧師,Mike Baker牧師和他的妻子及五個孩子最近才從西非的服事回到美國。

We came home from visiting Tainan in March, and since April God has done a lot to move us in that direction.

In the last 4 months, our house sold, we shipped boxes to Tainan, a pastor has come to take Rick's place, and God has given us special people who are partnering with us by supporting us financially and prayerfully. We are currently about 80% funded and we will go once we receive all the funds needed. Thank you to all of you who have joined our team! We are praising God for the way He is taking care of us and for all He has done in just 4 months.?

We are still in need of monthly partners, and one time gifts for relocating expenses.If you would like to invest financially in our ministry, you can do so at:https://onemissionsociety.org/give/TheBeards



[詩歌故事] 傳遞愛與寬恕之《加百列的雙簧管》Gabriel's Oboe  2020.21

[天路歷程] 毘努伊勒的神蹟 2018.37

[天路歷程] 何謂試探神? 2018.11

[聚焦聖經] 從但以理書看「苦行與禁食」2021.22

[教會消息] 全國菁英牧者——為連結開跑 2017.37