
[天路歷程] Thoughts on English Service One Year Anniversary 2016.13

◎Charlotte Lin (林湘汝)

Before 2014 the English fellowship was led by Taiwanese brothers and sisters. Mainly focus on teaching English and bible reading. Most of the people came because they wanted to learn English and 99 percent of them are Taiwanese. (another 1 percent is Andy haha)

When English fellowship was dissolved at the end of 2014, I felt very disappointed and panicked. We prayed that God will make a way for us and God surely did this amazing job!

Right now English fellowship is totally different from what it was before. We invite pastors from all over the world and the only language we use is English. (Except for Chinese-English translated speaker)

Right now I see people from all over the world coming and worshiping God. The only God. Every week we have new friends. Pastor from Japan, America...brothers and sisters from all over the world! It is a dream come true for me! At this moment I just want to embrace everyone and enjoy every moment I can work and serve God. Dan's family moved to America. Andy and Yoko have had a little boy Austin. Michelle has had a new born baby!Moreover, Dylan and Elaine's Bethany is so adorable. I love everyone of them and I'm appreciated Pastor Kao's vision for this. Before I didn't understand but now I can see. This is for a better adjustment and greater purpose. The vision is that to let people from all over the world to come to Tainan Holiness church to worship God. This is their home!

在2014年之前我們的英語團契是以台灣人學英文為主。帶領查經與活動的也是台灣人。當英語團契在2014年暫停時,我心裡很慌張也很難過,我們向神禱告,而神真的為我們開了一條精彩的道路! 現在的英語小組和之前的英語團契截然不同。每個星期總有不同國籍的牧師前來講道,全程使用的語言皆是英文。會後的公告也都是以英語宣布,讓不懂中文的外籍人士也能參與其中。 每個禮拜我們都會看到人們從世界各國來敬拜讚美我們的神,唯一的神。每個禮拜都有新朋友和牧師遠道而來,從日本、美國、韓國、菲律賓等國。海內外弟兄姊妹齊聚一堂,在主裡合而為一,享受美好團契。現階段我只想擁抱每個弟兄姊妹,享受每個服事神和與神同工的機會。Dan的家人搬去美國、Andy和Yoko的可愛小男孩Austin出生並健康成長、Michelle的小baby,Dylan和Elaine的女孩Bethany是這麼的惹人憐愛。我向這些美好事物獻上感謝,感謝神的保守看顧,也感謝神一路以來的帶領。從前我不明白,但現在我深深感謝高牧師的遠見及異象、及實踐的勇氣,原來背後有美善的旨意在其當中。就是讓這些海內外的弟兄姊妹前來台南聖教會敬拜讚美神!這裏就是他們的家!

◎David (鍾大晟)

I firmly believe that God will do His work in this Zone. For His saving grace is for all people. What's different here is the international worship and service. This is His sanctuary. No matter what part of the world you come from, you can come and worship here. As we serve with each other, God leads us in different ways. God will use His vessels to accomplish great things. Through worship God touches us even more extensively and deeply. By chance, God brought me to the English service. He has given me the challenge to serve Him here, I am thankful that the church has given me this opportunity to serve in the English service. I continue to learn with everyone. As I serve, I experience different ways God leads me. As I serve on the worship team, I experience the different ways God touches my heart. I seldom use a microphone. I am quite nervous as I serve on the worship team. I am thankful for the Lord's teaching and leading. He let's us offer up our best as we worship Him. You can boldly share the gospel with international friends. This is something that God wanted me to learn. You can easily share the gospel with international friends. Believe that as you open your mouth, God will do great things. For the gospel is great news, it saves those that believe in the good news.



I am very thankful that I can be part of the English worship team. I have always sang in various choirs growing up, so I am fortunate to be able to carry a tune. There are still many, many things that I still yet need to learn.

I am thankful for Elaine Olding. She is such a gentle and kind worship leader. She was always patient with me. I started out as a singer on stage like Sent from my iPhone

First, I co-led with Elaine and also Vanessa Dou several times. Through countless worship practices, I was slowly learning the ropes of how the English worship service worked. When I was just a singer, all I needed to do was to be on time and learn the three or four worship songs as best as I could. Being a worship leader brought everything including responsibilities up a notch. I had to also choose the English worship songs, prepare prayers and also scriptural verses.

Then on August 13th, 2015, I led my first worship service. Was I nervous, of course I was. Do I still get nervous? I think I still do. To this day, I don't feel adequate in leading worship. Various friends continue to remind me to just do my best in serving God. Deep down, I know I haven't even reached the level that I should be at even as a singer.

One important thing that I did learn and am still learning is to be very prepared in leading worship. On Sunday though, is the time that the Holy Spirit moves and touches people. That is the essence of worship.



 首先,我與依蓮(Elaine Olding)和達光(Vanessa Dou)共同主領幾次,經過無數次的敬拜練習,我逐漸地學習到如何在英文堂敬拜團服事。當我是敬拜團的歌手時,我只需要準時參與練習並且將那三四首敬拜歌曲熟悉即可。擔任敬拜主領時,職責可就沒有那麼簡單了。我要選出敬拜詩歌,預備禱告以及聖經經節。



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